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      首頁>雅思>雅思閱讀>雅思詞匯解析(74)| 消費與省錢

      雅思詞匯解析(74)| 消費與省錢

      來源:新航道 瀏覽:0 發(fā)布日期:2024-04-30 16:27


      1. budget /'b?d??t/

      n. 預算

      e.g. Military spending accounts for around 17% of the federal budget.

      劍橋聽力11-2-2:The project has run over budget, so we have to postpone installing the elevator.

      口語話題:How do you save money?

      例:I have employed several strategies. To begin with, I create a budget, keeping track of my income and expenses, which helps me identify areas where I need to save or cut back.



      budget-friendly 經(jīng)濟實惠的

      Compared with dining out, cooking at home is definitely a budget-friendly choice for those who are conscious of their expenses.


      low-budget 低成本的

      This outstanding performance of the main character has made this low-budget movie a box-office hit. 


      2. transaction /træn'zæk?(?)n/

      n. 交易;業(yè)務;買賣

      常見搭配:make/conduct/carry out transactions 交易

      digital translation 電子交易

      e.g. The trend toward digital translation is undeniable.

      如口語話題:Do you think cash will be more popular in the future?

      例:Admittedly, digital payment has simplified the way people make purchases and conduct transactions, but cash will still hold relevance for those who are technologically illiterate.

      補充:simplify 簡化

      technologically illiterate 對科技一無所知的


      3. impulsive /?m'p?ls?v/

      adj. 易沖動的;草率的

      常見搭配:make impulsive purchases 沖動消費

      Impulsive spending / buying 沖動消費 

      e.g. Impulsive buying leads to accumulation of debt if it is not controlled.

      e.g. I manage to avoid impulsive purchases, and simply ask myself whether it is a genuine need or just a fleeting want before making any buying decisions.


      4. debt /det/

      n. 債務;欠款;

      常見搭配:be deeply/ heavily in debt 深陷債務

      be burdened with debt 深陷債務

      e.g. I used to be a big spender, swiping the credit card as if there was no tomorrow. I did not even realize that I had already been in debt.

      e.g. Be mindful when using the credit card as reckless use will get you deeply into debt.

      補充:big spender 花錢大手大腳的人

      swipe a credit card 刷卡



      1. live beyond someone’s means 超過自己經(jīng)濟能力范圍的生活

      e.g. Living beyond his means, he found himself in a cycle of debt.


      2. rob Peter to pay Paul 借新債還舊債

      e.g. Unwise use of credit card will lead people to a cycle of debt, forcing them to rob Peter to pay Paul so that they don’t pay high-interest fees. 




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